(1)循环水出口温度升高。该厂凝汽器入口循环水采用二级水,温度一直控制在31℃~34℃之间。1997 年6 月份防垢器安装后,凝汽器出水温度一直保持在43℃以上,比防垢器投用前提高了5℃左右,循环水吸热量增加。凝汽温度与冷却水出口的传热温差降低。
4. 结语
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Application of Ultrasonic Scaling in the Power Plant
ZHANG Wenyong, XU Hong
Department of Energy and Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing,102206
In this paper, starting from the point “energy-saving and cost-reducing”, an overview of the seriousnessand the economic losses caused by power plant fouling are carried out. The paper investigates themechanism and the benefits of ultrasonic used in cleaning fouling, as well as its application in powerplant heat exchangers. It is possible to come to the conclusions that ultrasonic cleaning is the rightdirection of cleaning fouling technology development in the future, but also fouling control technologyin power industry.
Keywords: ultrasonic; scaling; heat exchanger; application